Crossroads Mall - Wonderful Amenity and Considerate Service for Shopaholics

09/13/2011 15:53

mallCrossroads Mall, a shopaholic's paradise in Oklahoma City, covers an area of 1.2 million square feet at the intersection of two interstates. Opened in the mid-1970s, this mall used to be one of the largest construction projects in the state of Oklahoma and among the top 10 shopping malls in the nation.

Crossroads now houses over fifty stores, with many eateries, theaters and entertainment. There is even a working oil well in the middle of the mall parking lot. Many tourists are attracted to see this unique sight of the well pumping in the center of a mall. It has, outside of the mall, a large trade zone with numerous retailers. A large children's play area and a full-sized carousel were added when the owner did renovations to the interior of mall several years ago.

The mall has had a really tough time for the last few years with the losing of one and another of its anchor stores, like JC Penny in 2007 and Dillard's and Macy's in 2008. However, Crossroads would stay optimistic about the situation. It has made many renovations and tried its best to attract more shoppers. The remaining stores like Elegant Jewelers, Champs Sports, Victoria's Secret and Footaction USA are as unique as their names suggested and can help restore the popularity of the mall.

Used to be called "the most magnificent enclosed and air-conditioned shopping mall in the Southwest", Crossroads has many of the great amenities which have made it one of the most popular shopping establishment for over 30 years. Many other facilities are also added to facilitate the shopaholics and visitors, like restrooms, ATMs and telephones.

The staff here also contributes a lot to the mall's popularity. There are always willing to help and to protect shoppers. There is even a weekend teen curfew imposed to forbid the young to shop alone at certain time of the year so as to protect them.